sporty serging when trying to cruise

  • bufus
    15 years ago

    Need help! My sporty is a 2007 model it has 8000ks on it  and it serges back an forth when your trying to cruise its been at the docs for six to seven weeks and know one seems to know whats wrong with it not even harley themselves i,m just about over it . Has anyone else out there had or heard of this before on the EFI bikes.Help bufus.

  • sophtayl
    15 years ago
    Hi Bufus,

    where in Aus are you at?
    have you tried pulling your plugs to check if it is running lean?
    What happens when you are giving it a wrist full?

    Agree with Scotty that internet doctoring is difficult at best.

    If you have changed things, what have you changed? can you go back to stock to get a baseline?

    Suggest collecting data of what it is doing when, and what it is not doing when.

    Let us know

