Online: John.R, WideglidingNZ

Terms of Use

Visitors to HD Forums Australia are encouraged to register and contribute content relevant to the site (see About HD Forums Australia). An implicit permission is granted to registered users to post content on the site.† User content may display to both registered and non-registered users.

By posting content on the site, registered users implicitly permit HD Forums Australia to publish their content. Where a user owns the content they post, that user retains ownership of their content.

Users are in full control of the content they post on the site. The site enables users to delete any post they have made. It also allows users to remove their account which will delete all their content from the site. However, the practice of removing posts or accounts is not encouraged as it causes discussion threads to become fragmented.

† Permission to post content on this site is conditional, and is based on users following the guidelines below.

  1. Content posted must comply with Australian laws.
  2. Content containing suspected scams or promotional junk must not be posted.
  3. Content that is vulgar or offensive must not be posted.
  4. Content containing nudity or near nudity must not be posted. This includes user avatars.
  5. Complaints or invitations of complaints targeting the site or its administrators must not be posted. Administrators welcome constructive critisism, conducted with courtesy. What will not be tolerated are rants or complaints targeting the site or its administrators. Making such posts will result in the instant removal of the posting users account.
  6. Posts that negatively question administrators or administrative decisions must not be posted. For example, "Why was my post deleted?". This practice of grandstanding, in most cases, will result in the instant removal of the posting users account.
  7. Posts containing little or no content must not be posted. For example, a post simply containing "." or "?".
  8. Posts containing hoaxes or purposely misleading information must not be posted.
  9. Posts that deliberately direct traffic to a direct competitor site must not be posted.
  10. Users that continuously remove their content and cause threads to become fragmented will have their accounts removed from the site.

The determination of content that is a scam, junk, vulgar, offensive, a complaint, nudity or near nudity, is at the complete discretion of site administrators. The content guidelines above are a guide and not a complete list. Administrators may deem other types of content not suitable for publishing on this site.

Posts that break content guidelines will be deleted by administrators as they see fit. Users that post such material may be warned once by administrators or may have their account instantly removed. This decision is at the complete discretion of Administrators.

Administrators will make every effort to be fair and reasonable to users that respect the site; respect administrators and respect the content guidelines. Permission to post content on the site will be revoked if content guidelines are not followed by users. If a user's permission to post content on the site is revoked, that user's content and account will be removed from the site.

Posting on this site is an agreement of acceptance of the terms of use.